Service Manager


This is the latest version of the help for Ivanti Service Manager 2018. If you cannot find some of the features described in the help, you may be using an older version of the application. To upgrade the application, click here.
To view the help for the latest version of Service Manager, click here

Working with the Outage Log

The outage log captures information on a service outage and is part of the availability management process. Each time you have an outage, record it here. The availability report deducts this time from the availability.

1.Log into the Service Manager Application.

2.Open the Service or CI Service workspace.

3.Select the Outage Log tab. (See Working with Services.) The system displays the list of logs, if any.

4.Click New Outage Log. The system displays a blank form.

5.Enter information into the fields.

Fields Description
Category The category. Choose from the drop-down list, or enter a new category.
Started On When the outage started. Displays the current time by default. Click the calendar to choose a different date and time.
End On When the outage ended. Displays the current time by default. Click the calendar to choose a different date and time.
Duration (Optional) The number of seconds to capture.

6.Click Save. The window closes.

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